Heavyweight Tournament 2022 - The Title is on the Line!


Everything you need to know about the Heavyweight Tournament 2022!

This year is the return of fight nights, but also the return of the heavyweight tournament. We have previously done two HW tournaments, once in 2018 and 2020. George Ferrari won the first ever tournament, defeating Tyrone Andersen in the final, and earned himself a number 1 contender spot for the heavyweight belt. Two years later, Isaac Frost had his hand raised in the 2020 HW tournament. He won against Jamal Johnson in the final and did it in devastating fashion. He knocked him out in the first round and had the belt wrapped around his waist for his victory.

This years tournament will be just as special as the others because the belt is once again, on the line. The heavyweight belt is currently vacant but the last person to hold was Asoma Cannonier at Fight Night 29 in 2020. 

It has been confirmed this will be a 16-man tournament, which will spread across three days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. All the competitors in the tournament have not been announced just yet but we can confirm that former FFEI heavyweights such as Morgan Parker, Luca Moretti, Goro Takahashi and many others will be competing. Some have came back just for this event, same will stay with us after this event. Jacob Petersen will also be competing, a promising new British fighter that has recently signed for us.

Asoma Cannonier's Last Run for the Title

Cannonier has confirmed that the tournament this weekend will be his last run for the title. He wants to retire from MMA due to the injuries he's picked up over the years. Cannonier has fought on FFEI cards his Fight Night 8 and since then has had 20 fights with a record of 13-8-0. He has been heavyweight champion but now feels like he's getting further away from the title after his loss to Overeem at Fight Night 1. This tournament will be his send off from MMA and we wish him the best of luck in his fights this weekend. 

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